Monday, January 12, 2009

20Apr1864, Third Waiting Ends

LONDON, Wednesday, April 20th, 1864.
—Same glorious weather. I carry away with me from Windsor such a vision of stately, smiling towers basking in pure sunshine, and nature blossoming and budding all round. And there is just such a springtide beginning in my heart. The Queen went to Osborne abt 4: Ly. Caroline, Ly. Augusta and I, off duty, came to London. I dined with old Meriel, 0 so snugly ; and had the nicest of talks with her, and with Mrs. Talbot. Garibaldi dinner and party here. The Duke of Devonshire, Ly. Louisa, Lord Frederic, and Ld. Edward were here. Such a happy evening.

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