Wednesday, January 19, 2011

20May1877, Sunshine Bits of Time

CHATSWORTH, May 20th-27th, 1877.
—A week of pleasant, pleasant leisure and enjoyment, to be thankful for. 0, how I do love and appreciate the sunshine bits of time, all the more for the growing and deepening sense of their insecurity. Rides every day, nice readings with F. and with Mazy likewise (she has brought fine sermons by Mr. Illingworth, and "Through Nature to Christ" by Abbott), famous spirited l. tennis. Weather growing kinder, young beech and larch most lovely and promise of blossom. We have ridden about Calton and New Piece and Stand Wood, and along the Rabbit Warren and green ride, escorting F. towards and from Chesterfield: the poor dear having had to go and hold forth at Brighouse on politics and at Bradford on Political Econ. Tues. and Wed. Called on Mrs. Cottingham Sat.; she showed me a Sheffield paper in which F.'s part in bringing about the arrangement on the Resolutions was sniffed out, and he patted on the back as a person of highly agreeable and conciliatory manners and very popular.

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