Sunday, February 06, 2011

27Aug1877, Ld. Granville Speaks at Bradford

BOLTON, August 27th–September 2nd, 1877.
—The Granvilles came Monday, and on Tuesday we had a field-day in honour of the opening of the Liberal Club at Bradford; poor F. unable to go—I do believe the first duty he has been debarred from by health. Ld. Granville as flustered and anxious over the preparation of his two speeches as any new young M.P. Ly. G. sat up writing for him till 1 on Monday night. Titus Salt lionized us (viz., Egertons, Granvilles, and me) over Saltaire, which looked as flourishing as ever in spite of hard times and many idle looms out of the 1,000 in the great 2-acre room. Luncheon and speeches at Bradford, after which we all deserted Ld. G. and came home. The big meeting came off late, and he returned at midnight, struck with the intelligence of the great crowded audience, but a little disgusted at their caring for neither Eastern Q. nor anything else compared with disestablishment, and cheering Miall louder than anybody.

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