Sunday, January 16, 2011

21Apr1877, Figure of Papa by Forsyth

LONDON, Saturday, April 21st, 1877.
Our golden day. A prosaic treat for it, going together to hear Mr. Bartley lecture a roomful of P.M.W. [FN: Parochial Mission Women] and their ladies on Provident Knowledge. Afterwards we both with M. went to see the recumbent figure of Papa by Forsyth for Worcester Cathedral. It is a fine thing, and has much likeness, tho' Forsyth never saw him. To tea with the Wortleys, high gee Margaret's engagement to Reginald Talbot; a handsome couple; also Constance Lawley's to Eustace Vesey, after some years' attachment, he in India, lately returned. Dined with the G. O. Trevelyans, meeting the Secularist Education firebrand Mr. Morley [FN: John Morley, afterwards Viscount Morley of Blackburn], who, however, was as gentle as a sucking dove to talk to.

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