Sunday, April 12, 2009

30Aug1865, Bleak Stories in the News

BOLTON, August 30th, 1865.
—There have been fearful cholera ravages at Constantinople. Constance Kent has made a detailed confession of her cool, well-planned, and most devilish murder of her baby-brother ; hideous enough ; the genuine repentance of such a nature is little short of a miracle, and will make a lasting impression, one may well hope, after the silly panic about popery, sisterhoods, and confessionals has died out. There have been other murders, too heart-sickening to comment on : a woman called Windsor convicted, who made a trade of killing babies for a few pounds, when wretched mothers wished to get rid of them ; another woman murdered her infant by breaking one of its bones daily ; a man has killed his wife and child and his three illegitimate children, with the barest shadow of motive.

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