Thursday, January 08, 2009

11Feb1864, Reading The Birthday

HAGLEY, Thursday, February 11th, 1864.
—I went with Lavinia to Stakenbridge, where we gave broth to the Wm. Smiths, pudding to Mrs. Billingham, and an egg to Betty Poole. I have been reading the chapter on Self-denial to the little boys (in "The Birthday"), and to-day there was a bit about not giving in charity of what costs us nothing. They soon understood what was meant, and thereupon we went in to luncheon. I put some broth into a can, and told Alfred I shd like him and Newmany to take it into the village. "0," says Alfred, "but I want to go and slide !" "Now then," said I ; no more ; to remind him of what we had been reading. "0, I forgot !" said the little fellow in a moment, getting quite red ; and he went as willingly as possible.

Finding, to my delight, that I have £70 at My Bankers', I spent most of the morning sending off cheques in different directions, to my infinite pride.

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