Sunday, January 07, 2007

18May1862, Dressums, Ballums, Fidgetums, Seasonums

LONDON, 4th Sunday aft. Easter, May 18th, 1862.
— Sultry. 0 how nice Sunday is ! I really do get rid almost entirely of dressums, ballums, fidgetums and seasonums generally. In the morning I went with Miss Syfret to S. Peter's Church, Windmill St., the laying the 1st stone of which by Ld. Derby I remember so well in '60 : it was the day Papa began to get better. Fine solid lofty church, well attended, hearty singing and clever sermon, ending beautifully, on Right and False ideas of Christ : only went too much, I think, into ancient and modern heresies, which bewilder and distress one to little purpose. All Saints' in aft. Aggy and I walked alone with Herbert [FN: The youthful Herbert Gladstone, then eight years old, was evidently not considered a sufficient guardian!] and a footman ! The beautiful hymn "Abide with me" sung. St. St. [FN: Stratton Street, where her grandmother lived] only, alack ! no Papa, who is commissioning. Dear Sunday refreshment ! I hope it will "abide with me" through the week.

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