Sunday, December 03, 2006

07Feb1862, Hair amazingly done up

ALTHORP, Friday, February 7th, 1862.
—Tolerably keen frost. Spencer hunting again. I had much chatter with little Mlle Beccadelli, who made a little attempt (which failed) to convert me ! I borrowed a religious book of hers to look at, and was a good deal dismayed ; also surprised at the inferiority of the prayers to ours, in point of composition. The little girl said that when, unable to confess to a Priest, she did so alone, to God, she had not the same sense of pardon and peace. Which sounded awful to me. We drove pleasantly in the aft. Papa to play chess with Mrs. Morton. Charlotte and At. Henrietta pounced upon me, and practised many experiments on my hair (now growing thick), ending in turning me out amazingly done up, with it twined back over a rouleau on each side. They say powder days are coming back.

In the papers, Ld. Dufferin's speech moving the Address, beautiful and overpowering, as far of it as related to the Prince. Two fine prints of the Queen and Prince arrived, given by the Queen.

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