Saturday, December 23, 2006
10May1862, Gread London Exhibition
—Aftn. went to the Exhibition, treated by Atie. P. with her young couple : so nice. It's too monstrous outside, but striking inside, tho' far indeed from coming up to the glassy, bowery impression left on my mind of the '51 one, which was lovely. We did the nave, the French court, the British court of pictures, the Italian court, etc., of course not at all thoroughly, but pleasantly. The pictures especially delightful ; also mem. busts of Tennyson and Cavour, Gibson's Venus, etc. We stayed more than an hour and a half. They went to the Opera, I not, as it has a ballet attached, in which case Papa doesn't like me to go, even when one doesn't stay.
08May1862, Lack of Young Men
—Ly. Hatherton has been particularly kind to me, and everybody so much more agreeable than young men generally, for the lack of whom host and hostess have been anxiously apologising to me.
04May1862, Choir in Surplices
—The Choir appeared IN SURPLICES!!!!!! coming in procession, the smallest boys first, from the organ-room. 0 wonderfully pretty it looked ! and so suitable and natural to see our beautiful Chancel full of white robes. The 12 little boys behaved with the greatest gravity and discretion, tho' it must have been very shy, the 1st time.
03May1862, Surplices Arrive
—Arrived the Surplices ! we went and gloated over them and the delightful cupboard wherein they are to hang.
22Apr1862, Surpliced Future
— We went wild with excitement over the surpliced future.
21Apr1862, Choir Surplices
—The Vestry CONSENTED UNANIMOUSLY AND JOYFULLY TO THE CHOIR SURPLICES ! ! ! Which is amazing. A volunteer sham battle went off with éclat : Papa in full red figg on the hunter.
19Apr1862, Easter Eve
—And so ends this quiet Lent, and again it has been granted me not to miss one service since it began. Whenever I lose my strength and health, I shall have at all events happy recollections of all that it has brought me of blessing. Oh dear ! what an Angel I ought to be !
Sunday, December 03, 2006
07Apr1862, Monstrous Mechanism on the Sea
—A horrible little iron battery of the Americans has been destroying a beautiful great man-of-war : proving the uselessness of all that one once called ships, and looking like the beginning of the end of all " Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war," which will be reduced to mere monstrous mechanism, on the sea.
01Apr1862, Odd party at dinner
—Warm rain nearly all day. Congregation 3 ! but then the weather accounts for it. Uncle Stephen seems very well, trolls away just like himself : has been making out a list of all the old churches he has seen in England : 250 in Kent alone ! Club, the girls and At. E. helping. I wrote a long letter to darling Nevy for his Confirmation to-morrow. Papa went away for it. We were an odd party at dinner, Uncle St., Edward, Albert, and I. I sat with Miss W. in the evening.
22Feb1862, Arthur a page
—Arthur is gazetted as Page to the Queen.
12Feb1862, Tennyson on the Prince
—Tennyson has written some beautiful lines on the Prince.
11Feb1862, Kidderminster Volunteer Ball
—Papa and I to the Kidderminster Volunteer ball, he in uniform. A guard of honour (rifles) received us : rather blowing.' It was a pretty, lively ball.
10Feb1862, Melancholy partings
—Melancholy partings : Tallee, the Princess and her child went, also At. Henrietta. I cuddled much with Tallee and the Prss., read them my bit of poetry " Evening and Morning " (with a translation ! ! !) and the kind Prss. made me write them in her book. Shall I ever see her again, I wonder ? She has such wonderfully deep, true feelings for a foreigner, and a Romanist.
08Feb1862, Spencer's Fairy Queen
—Papa and Althorp and Major Reilly hunted and had a good run in spite of a sharp frost. I had a particularly nice walk with Charlotte, and loved her more and more, for besides being "lovely and pleasant" in her outward self, she is so in her gentle ingenuous thoughts, simplicity and truth. Dear old Tallee came to stay over Sunday. For the evening, we played a freak : appeared Charlotte, the Prss., [FN: Princess Camporeale] At. Henrietta, Tallee and I, all in powdered hair twined back over a high "pelote," with lace handkerchief at top. In which historical attire we danced majestically. Every one of us looked the better, the Prss. perhaps the most decidedly so, and At. Henrietta amazingly well; but Charlotte looked too lovely and bewitching.
07Feb1862, Hair amazingly done up
—Tolerably keen frost. Spencer hunting again. I had much chatter with little Mlle Beccadelli, who made a little attempt (which failed) to convert me ! I borrowed a religious book of hers to look at, and was a good deal dismayed ; also surprised at the inferiority of the prayers to ours, in point of composition. The little girl said that when, unable to confess to a Priest, she did so alone, to God, she had not the same sense of pardon and peace. Which sounded awful to me. We drove pleasantly in the aft. Papa to play chess with Mrs. Morton. Charlotte and At. Henrietta pounced upon me, and practised many experiments on my hair (now growing thick), ending in turning me out amazingly done up, with it twined back over a rouleau on each side. They say powder days are coming back.
In the papers, Ld. Dufferin's speech moving the Address, beautiful and overpowering, as far of it as related to the Prince. Two fine prints of the Queen and Prince arrived, given by the Queen.
05Feb1862, Fox Hunting at Althorp
—Delightful day. Althorp mounted me on a nice, spirited, high-stepping little horse called Friar Tuck, and (driving to West Haddon) I joined Tallee and we went to the great meet at Crick. There must have been nearly 300 — I didn't see the fox go away ; but it was almost as beautiful to see the sudden unanimous start of the whole field, without apparent cause, and away we streamed at a gallop. But alack ! Tallee's horse wdn't take the mildest ditch even, so we came to a stop in the 2nd field, not however before freely enjoying the glorious start, and seeing many leaps, and more than one tumble. It didn't much signify, for anyhow we were not going to follow any distance. So we resigned ourselves with tolerable philosophy, and had about given up hope, after quite losing them and having half an hour's meandering in the field, when suddenly we came right upon them again, followed during a nice little run (with gates handy !), saw some lovely leaps, and at last left them of our own accord, to be in time for Guilsborough luncheon. Saw Lord Fending and Col. (W.) Feilding, the latter of whom had a tremendous tumble. Unlucky Mr. Horace Seymour was thrown early in the day, and his horse, running away and leaping a high fence, pitched on his head and broke his neck ! Papa in his glory on a gigantic, powerful creature called Shamrock more than 16 hds high, rode over everything, tho' not as perfect as on Marmion ! Nice talk the while with Tallee, and at Guilsborough saw At. Yaddy and the tinies, they grown but looking rather delicate, but Vay improved in looks. Granny showed me the most piteous heart-broken letter, which she has received from the Queen, who has sent her a miniature photograph of the Prince in a brooch. Letter from John. Pleasant playing and whist in the evening.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
31Jan1862, First Fox Hunt
— A delightful and memorable day ! I went out hunting ! ! Ld. Denbigh and his sons and 2 daughters went and when they offered to mount me, and supply me with habit, etc., and old M. encouraged me, could anyone refuse ? No ! so off I went on a glorious old hunter of 21, called Marmion, his action free and beautiful, and his gallop like the South Wind, so easy, yet so rapid and strong. I saw the fox break away, I heard the music of the hounds, and horns and halloos, I careered along to the sound of the scampering hoofs with the delicious soft air blowing in my face. I flew over 2 or 3 fences, too enchanted to have a moment's fright ; in short, I galloped for 1/2 an hour in all the glory of a capital run. 0 dear ! if I don't take care I shall pine for it every time Papa goes out, and that won't do ! However, I had my sense enough about me to keep with Lady Ida (losing sight of the others, and no wonder, in a field of about 150), and when her saddle turned, her hat blew off, and she spoke of going home, I nobly went with her, tho' I cd have gone on for ever. But really I think it was the most glorious exciting enjoyment I have ever had ; and that says a good deal.
Some theatricals in the evening, which wd have been deplorably bad, but for Col. (William) Feilding's wonderfully good acting of an old Frenchman. I had a long sit with nice little Ly. Katharine, who spoke of their great grief, the conversion of Ld. Feilding, who is an enthusiastic Romanist ; 0 how awful a trial it must be !
30Jan1862, A Paper Hunt
— Same weather : aftn. pour. We had a paper hunt ; Col. (William) Feilding and I being hares. I never went such a dance : over two miles across country, of which a mile was mostly running ; and though I shirked many fences, there was plenty of moderate scrambling. We baffled the hounds (most of the remaining guests, etc.) ; and after the first loss of breath I got on very well. Learnt for the 1st time what getting one's 2nd wind was. Lovely singing in the aftn. Mem. : " The Reaper and the Flowers," sung by Ladies Mary, Ida, and Adelaide Feilding, and Capt. Palisser ; and " Sing me to Rest," Ly. Mary. Charming dancing in the evening : Lancers with 10 people, and Sir Roger de Coverley to end with : immense fun. There were here, Lady and Misses Mordaunt, Admiral Erskine, a brother of Ld. Denbigh's, Lord Welscourt, Sir Theophilus Biddulph, host and four daughters and two sons, of whom the hare is particularly pleasant. The rest I shall remember to-morrow, I hope.
Letter : from Nevy ; to Papa.
29Jan1862, House Party at Lord Denbigh's
—And so, off I set, at 10 1/4, chaperoned for the 1st time by old Meriel ! with her and John, to this place, stopping on the way and mightily enjoying ourselves at Coventry, having luncheon there, and seeing the glorious churches and a bit of the town. Working men standing about idle, and empty factory windows, speaking silently of the still bitter distress. Arrived at this stately mansion abt 4, find swarms of people, all of whose names I shall perhaps pick up by the time we go. Lively ball, M. dancing again, but looking amazingly matronly ! I danced with Ld. Feilding, his brother Percy, Messrs. Sykes, Cameron, etc., etc. : maukins.
28Jan1862, Queen Writes to Shields
—In the paper a letter from the Queen to Shields about the poor colliers, most touching and beautiful in its tone of real sympathy, coming from a heart so broken, but yet so loving and thoughtful for others' grief.
23Jan1862, 200 Hartley Colliers Found Dead
—The 200 Hartley colliers who have been buried in the pit 7 days have been found all dead. The Queen had sent a telegram, which said " her heart bled for them, " to ask abt them. Atie. Pussy managed to get Papa's beautiful thing in the Parish Magazine shown to the Queen who liked it.
21Jan1862, Colliery Accident at Shields
—A frightful colliery accident at Shields.
HAGLEY, Wednesday, January 22nd, 1862.
—There is little hope for the poor colliers.
10Jan1862, For Peace All Along
—The American Government seem to have been for peace all along, the newspapers being nothing but mob brag and insolence.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
09Jan1862, Peace with the Yankees
—At length the precious Yankees give up the Commissioners and it is Peace. But they have given themselves a name for ever, I shd think, for insolence, bragging, and absurdity. For the bluster ending in backing out is just contemptible, tho' certainly better than fighting.
07Jan1862, Little Arthur
—Little Arthur struck 10 ; he is in a very satisfactory phase this holy-days, frank, sweet-tempered, full of fun and intelligence, particularly nice to read with, from his quickness and interest, easy and pleasant to manage : gets on better with the big boys who have left off quizzing him unmercifully, and much run after by Bobby. Rather a bore from incessant chatterbox and perhaps a touch of affectation ; but a very nice bright little fellow. Keeps his good looks tho' short, only 4 ft. 7 ; but his open forehead and intelligent expression make up.
06Jan1862, Regal Duties Alone
—The poor Queen has had to hold a Privy Council to-day ; so soon to be obliged to take upon her the regal duties alone and unsupported ! Papa wrote a beautiful address of condolence for the county.
02Jan1862, Still no answer from America
—Still no answer from America.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
30Dec1861, He taught me how to reign
HAGLEY, December 30th, 1861.
—Granny heard from Mrs. Talbot a most characteristic and touching saying of the Queen's. She said to Ld. Granville : " He taught me how to reign. I hope I shall show that I can do it."
31Dec1861, Saddened Year is Past
—And now this troubled and saddened year is past ! Never in my recollection, and I should fancy hardly ever in any recollection, can there have been a year so full of awful events. It opened with the Coventry famine. Then the death of the Duchess of Kent, the great fire, the deaths of Lord Herbert, Sir J. Graham, Cavour ; the Indian famine ; the death of Lady Canning, and finally of the Prince—all these have darkened this year, besides the American war, and the almost certain prospect of ourselves being dragged into it. The sun may well go down in total eclipse to-night, as it does, tho' unseen by us ! The Future is most dark, great troubles seem coming, and much of the wisdom and strength that would have faced and overcome it is lost to the country for ever. And the overwhelming thought of our Queen now setting out on the untried sea of loneliness and affliction—this is the greatest grief of all.
Thank God, when all is sad and clouded, we can lay hold the more steadfastly of the Hand that can lead us safe through storms and danger ; and the darker the way before us, the more serenely shines the Love of God to be our beacon. To that Love we may leave our widowed Queen, our sorrowing country, in sure and certain hope ; and He will not leave us nor forsake us.
27Dec1861, Talk With Old Nevy
HAGLEY, Friday, December 27th, 1861.
—Ly. C. Barrington wrote from Osborne with good accounts of the Queen. I had pleasant sensible talk with old Nevy, who I fancy is rather softer than usual : much more civil they all are. Walked parochially and pleasantly with Win and May visiting Mrs. Ince and her new-born baby girl.
26Dec1861, There Will Be War
HAGLEY, Thursday, December 26th, 1861.
—Troops have embarked for Canada, amongst others, Edwd. Neville. There is scarcely a doubt that there will be war ; altogether this year goes down in gloom. Willy Gladstone has heard from the Prince of Wales, who says " the Queen is sadly shattered." But her patience and calmness seem not to desert her.
19Dec1861, The Queen weeps for Albert
>—Granny heard from Atie. P. ; she quoted from the Dean of Windsor (who was present) the most interesting and pathetic account there has yet been. He says he cannot speak of the last scene without tears. " The Queen threw herself on the Prince with one fervent kiss, and then let herself be led quietly away, with such a look of despair on her face ! She then went to the younger children, who were in bed, and kissed them, and took little Princess Beatrice to her own room." Those were (nearly) his words. The simplicity of this makes it more touching, and brings her deep, gently-borne sorrow most piteously before one.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
18Dec1861, Prince Albert Has Died
—Sullen, dark, dark weather. Poor Granny received many sad and touching letters which took out of her grievously [FN: The Prince Consort had died on December 14th] ; and the service was strangely overpowering ; the familiar prayers for the Queen full of deep pathos ; the funeral Psalm, some parts of the 1st lesson curiously appropriate, and greatly moving one ; and then the missing of his name, and the Prince of Wales' coming alone, reminding one of his altered and responsible position now, left fatherless to be the stay and support of the desolate Queen. God enable him to be so ! We heard that Her Majesty is still calm and, thank God, can sleep, and cries much : finds consolation in her children ; and Prss. Alice, whose "life was bound up in her father's," is an Angel in the house. Miss Hildyard's letter one almost dwells most on ; none knew the Prince better than she and Granny, and accordingly there are none who so loved and looked up to him. But indeed, everyone does that in proportion as they knew him. Miss H. said that a hasty word was never heard from him. His last words to Prss. Alice were : "Good child." She will love to remember them ! When someone mentioned Granny to the Queen, she said, "Ah, she knew our happy, happy life." Most nobly and patiently she seems to be taking up the cross, set upon doing what would have pleased her husband, and saying : "I will do anything " —showing that she accepts the dreadful change with meekness and courage. I can't help going on about it all, for the cloud over the days is ever before me, and it is such a great, solemn, and awful thing.
03Dec1861, War With America
—We shall go to war with America if the Govt. doesn't apologise ; which it is far from likely it will do. On the side of the slave-owners too.
29Nov1861, Yankees Stop the Trent
—Those precious Yankees have stopped a merchant ship of ours (the Trent) and carried off, from under her flag, certain accredited commissioners, which proceeding excites great uproar. I spouted the Times account and leading article.
20Nov1861, Rifle Shooting
—Went with Papa and Uncle Henry to see rifle shooting at 900 and 650 yards. Only one man got in at 900 while we were there.
10Oct1861, Anxiety Taken Away
—All the suspense and anxiety of the last days is taken away and I feel proportionably light-hearted.
05Oct1861, Looking Forward
—I keep myself to a wonderful extent from looking forward.
04Oct1861, Peerage Corrections
—Very mild and pleasant. Church ill attended. I walked with At. C. towards the Rectory, to Mrs. Preisse and to croquet : 1 game ; a little accounts, Peerage corrections (of which I make, I suppose, on an average 1 every 2 days), little boys' Bible and singing, Promessi Sposi, 5 o'clock sit with Granny, 6 o'clock ditto with schoolroom ; whist, reading and At. Coque's music ; so I filled up the quiet day, which had, however, its worry and distress, over and above the strange sense of suspense just now.
Letters from C. Neave, and (dreadfully angry) Miss S. ; to C. Neave, Arthur, and Mrs. Oxley (not sent).
02Oct1861, These Quiet Days
—I wish I could stay a little while longer among these quiet days —that this calm sort of pause in our life might last a little !
29Sep1861, Trial Before Me
—Anxiety and trial are before me ; but I think I have strong hope and trust about whatever may happen. "So long Thy Hand bath bless'd us, sure it still will lead us on."
28Sep1861, Worcester Gaol
—Went with John [FN: John Talbot] to see wretched Henriette in Worcester gaol. Found her in strapping health and unchanged in manner, only I discovered she cried for the first time after I had spoken to her. Has needlework to do. We were taken over the gaol and were much edified : the prisoners looked subdued but not sullen, all busy at something or other, everything as clean as it's possible to be, and beautifully ordered. But what an oppressive thing to feel oneself under that irresistible overlooking and coercing power and obliged to revolve in that invariable round !
20Sep1861, Hard Labour
—Wretched Wheeler went to witness against Henriette, who was sentenced to 14 days' prison and hard labour, after Wheeler had been well badgered by a rascally attorney, who got Henriette to engage him in her defence.
19Sep1861, Taken Into Custody
—The horrid business of Henriette's being taken into custody took place, Mr. Marcy coming over about it. She showed strangely little feeling ; some loud crying, but did not beg off or defend herself, or say she was sorry. Went away with the policeman very quietly, tho' rather red in the face. But my spirits are low, thinking of her loneliness and disgrace to-night.
18Sep1861, Thieving Maid
—A horrid business turned up : the girls' Swiss maid, Henriette Descoster, has been thieving and is to be prosecuted, as an example to others and a warning to herself.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
30Aug1861, Brown & Tomkins vs. Marquis & Viscount
—Ld. Sandon is to marry Ly. Mary Cecil, refreshing and satisfactory after the Misses . . . and . . . marriages. O if they were profligate Brown and Tomkins instead of profligate Marquis and Viscount, how loud wd be the horror and disdain of the world !
08Jul1861, Hamlet by Fechter
—I was treated in the evening by Mrs. Talbot to the greatest treat I have had this season : " Hamlet " at the Princess's with the admirable German actor Fechter. In spite of his very evident foreign accent, he did the part most beautifully ; the acting throughout being perfect, and an entirely new delight to me in these days of no good tragic actors. Oh ! what an absorbing, exciting delight it is to see !
03Jul1861, Delightful Home Ball
—Delightful home ball (my last dancing was on May day !) ; not too crowded nor too empty, and everyone enjoying life peculiarly. Many grandees, however, missed fire : my partners were beyond dowdyissimus [FN: see Glossary] ! Messrs. Ryan, Hope, Majendie, Willy, Wynne, Yorke, Baker, and Edward Neville. From 11 to 3 ; and I went to bed as fresh as may be.
02Jul1861, Cricket and a Comet
—Charles has been playing well in Gentlemen agst Players : got 3 of the best wickets. Papa deep in " The Woman in White." A comet was visible. Meanwhile the great fire goes on, being fed by vast underground stores.
29Jun1861, Visiting Mr. Phillimore
—I came to the Coppice with Mr. Phillimore : pleasant breezy weather, which makes the trip to this nice green place very enjoyable. The 2 eldest girls have outgrown their looks, but Catherine and Lucy seem extremely intelligent and sharp, with a strong turn for quizzing, inherited ! Walter [FN: Now Lord Phillimore] a nice fellow and quite awfully clever.
24JUN1861, Great London Fire
—Most tremendous accts. of the fire in the papers : the greatest since 1666 ! It is along a whole line of warehouses on the banks of the river, full of every sort of store—oil, tallow, cheese, bacon, sugar, cotton, hops, saltpetre, and what not ; and so fierce that the " fireproof " buildings seem to become red hot, and are of no avail. The neighbouring street (Tooley St.) is ankle deep in hot tallow and the Thames itself blazing with masses of burning oil. The ruins are glowing with white heat, the engines were entirely useless, and the excellent head fireman, Braidwood, is killed, with others. They hope to keep it now from spreading further, but if the wind rose I believe it wd be impossible to check it. Providentially it has been perfectly calm weather hitherto. About 2 millions' worth of damage done.
10JUN1861, Cavour Has Died
—For the first time a potation of port wine flew into my head, so 3 cheers, I am to leave it off. When I was ill I actually drank what wd amount to a tumbler full in the 24 hours ! besides quinine. And the nurse tells me they give wine or brandy in every fever. The great Cavour has died of typhus or some such thing, because the doctors wd do nothing but bleed. They say there will be a rumpus all over Europe.
06JUN1861, Wheeler Eats Humble Pie
—Wheeler at the last moment ate humble pie ; and was received back into favour with dignified condescension.
Monday, September 11, 2006
04Jun1861, Servant Problems
—Slept like a top, and eat vigorously, but I had a nice upset with Wheeler's proceedings. She has for some days been tiffy with the nurse, thinking she (Wheeler) was reckoned a p.h., and such-like nonsense, and has treated me to one scene, for which she begged pardon afterwards. But now it has been settled that the nurse is to go to Sheen with me : two can't go, so the Grim One must stay behind. She should have had a holyday meanwhile, but she flew into a passion with Atie. P., and gave warning to me rather impertinently, so as I ain't a horse yet, I was put into a regular tremble and heart-beatings. It's a most lamentable thing, the want of common Christianity in servants. Suppose it was an unnecessary fidget to take the nurse (which it ain't, as Atie. P. won't be much there and there's no doctor near), one shd think it a very simple duty to give up one's own wish and swallow one's own pride rather than kick up a dust, especially with a Hinvalid [FN: She had just had typhoid fever]; but they wd never dream of such a thing. I could kick her.
07May1861, Scampishness
—We went to Miss Coutts's [FN: Afterwards Baroness Burdett-Coutts] to hear the tragedian Fechter (whom everyone raves of) read a particularly scampish French play in the most beautiful way. Poor Miss Coutts sat on thorns, not anticipating the scampishness, and a Bishop or two stalked out ! Aggy and I dined alone.
02May1861, Painful Sotto Voce
—The Duke and Duchess of Argyll dined here and Mr. Norton, and I at once fell into a fit of Cliveden [FN: She had met the Duke and Duchess of Argyll at Cliveden, where the Duke of Sutherland lived] shyness. Uncle W. was hoarse after another great speech, Atie. P. silent, and the three guests would speak below their breath, so we were sotto voce to a painful extent.
30Apr1861, Gladstone in Rollicking Spirits
—Uncle W. in rollicking spirits over his Budget, and very kind to me.
29Apr1861, Dizzy Against the Budget
—We went with Atie. P. to the House and stayed till 2 ! Uncle W. spoke quite admirably in defence of the Budget, and Dizzy admirably against it ; so I am left in the wood.
24Apr1861, The New Budget
—A squash at Ly. Derby's, which was very amusing ; he in immense spirits, poking fun at Atie. P. about the Budget, which, however, it is expected will be accepted and approved : ld. off the income tax, duty off paper, but left on tea and sugar, which I believe I ought to rage at, being a Conservative ! Am I ? I don't quite know.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
23Apr1861, A First Rate Ball
—I dined [FN: I.e. at 10 Great George Street, her sister's house] there, and then came to Downing Street, [FN: To which Mr. Gladstone had now moved as Chancellor of the Exchequer] where Atie. P. and Aggie were looking well. I am so glad it ain't Carlton Terrace : grim grandeur, and how I shd hate it without Meriel! A first-rate ball at Ly. Egerton of Tatton's, where we both danced plentifully. My partners were Ld. Carnarvon, Althorp (oh, little Charlotte [FN: Lady Spencer, wife of "Althorp."] I fell over head and ears in love as usual), Mr. Wortley, Lord Cowper, and Mr. Sarin. Home abt. 3. So off we go !
16Apr1861, St. Mary's Home
—I went with Papa over S. Mary's Home ; a penitentiary, hospital, sisterhood, school, and nursery all in one, under Mr. Wagner. The Lady Superior showed us all over ; a cheerful, pleasant woman. The penitents do all the household work. Everything beautifully arranged, clean, bright, and airy. The sick children's room very touching ; one poor pretty little fellow, hopelessly ill with abscesses, knitting in his crib, with such a placid angel look in his small wasted face. There were some things rather shocking to one : a picture of the Blessed Virgin crowned, with the words in Latin, " Holy Mother of God, pray for us " ; which I trust was only there for ornament ; otherwise it goes beyond mere sentiment. Also a large crucifix in one of the sisters' rooms. But it is a wonderfully good and great work, and one must believe it is done in the full strength of the text which was in nearly every room : " The love of Christ constraineth us."
Nevy, Spencer, and I had an hour's boating. Papa said (of St. Mary's) that it was always a striking thing to go among people who were in the very straightest road heavenwards.
14Apr1861, Fine Singing
—We all went to St. Paul's in the morning ; fine singing ; anthem, Spohr's "Blessing and honour." S. Mary's aftn., sermon by Mr. Elliott on the tremendous Indian famine: he got £73 from his morning congregation !
11Apr1861, A Dance With the King of France
—There departed today Charles and I to London for the ball, which came off at Carlton Terrace with great success : I can't remember all my innumerable partners ! One, however, I do remember ; the " King of France " (Comte de Paris) asked particularly after me and danced with me : stomach-ache of thrill ! For the rest, Messrs. Trefusis, Ryan, Le Fevre, [FN: No doubt G. J. Shaw-Lefevre, afterwards a Cabinet Minister and now Lord Eversley] Hope, and Capt. Grant, Mrs. Percy's distinguished son, are all I remember. Charles was quite the handsomest man there : enjoyed himself, and danced with Warrens, T. Gladstones, and Sybil Grant. Introduced me to the D. of St. Albans with great propriety ! Declares he will learn to valse ! ! Everyone looked well in white and black. The house recalls the days of courtship [FN: Presumably referring to her elder sister Meriel's marriage] and matrimony wonderfully !
04Apr1861, An Escort
—Went to St. Paul's for 3 1/2-o'c. service ; having to walk back alone, I pretended to belong to two elderly ladies in succession, who I don't think found out that they were escorting me.
02Apr1861, Scampish
— I walked alone on the pier, which it suddenly struck me was scampish.
Monday, August 21, 2006
16Mar1861, Stolid Country Poor
—At. C. came back from Bedworth at last looking blooming, and saying there is a slight improvement in work just now, but very little. Also bringing some presentation sausages from a poor man whom she has helped to start with that commodity. Tantalizes me with accounts of the quickness and earnestness of some of the people, which really leads to some good coming of working amongst them. One hardly ever sees any results in stolid country poor.
02Mar1861, Russian Serfs to be Free Men
—Heavy stormy rain, thro' which At. Emy and I were pleased to walk parochially. Tommy Morris came to the Rectory and sang to us, that we might decide if his voice is good enough to compete for a choir place at Windsor ! Part of the Crystal Palace was blown down. To-morrow morning all the Russian serfs will be free men ! A grand thing.
24Feb1861, Tutor Seems Bitten with Horrible Essays
—Albert wrote to John, saying Edward's tutor Curgenven seems bitten with these horrible " Essays and Reviews," which some sound theologian ought to answer.
13Feb1861, Distress at Bedworth
—After what seemed a lull, the distress at Bedworth has broken out again awfully : one poor old woman tried to kill herself, from " clamming."
11Feb1861, Doncaster Church
—Dr. Vaughan pioneered us [FN: In a visit to Doncaster Church, of which he was Vicar. He was afterwards Master of the Temple, where, in spite of his " curious silky " voice and manner, his sermons, which were not at all " silky," attracted great congregations] : I greatly dislike his curious, silky, feminine voice.
07Feb1861, Alfred Turns Four
—Our precious blossom, Alfred, struck four. Each year in his sunny little life marks more than anything the distance between the present and the cloudless Past. Four years ! He wd rejoice Mamma's heart, with his bright generous temper, his amazing winsomeness, his quickness and noble looks.
01Feb1861, Hard Work at Coventry
—Aunt C. came back from her gallant hard work at Coventry none the worse, and having evidently been invaluable. They have hope of the trade looking up in a month ; meanwhile daily feeding and clothing amongst misery, cheating, and starvation goes on.
28Jan1861, Messrs. Claughton and Pepys
—Messrs. Claughton and Pepys ; the former lectured on Poetry, reading extracts from Crabbe and Spenser quite beauti¬fully. But too little variety.
22Jan1861, Hungry Bedworth People
—At. C. writes of the hungry Bedworth people, kept alive by diligent care from day to day ; and, as far as one can see, nothing else before them.
19Jan1861, Dreadful Oxford Free-thinking
—Some talk about the dreadful Oxford Free-thinking.
18Jan1861, A Cry of Distress
—There seems a cry of distress all over the country, London they say as bad as country ; everything at a standstill. £80,000 [FN: Or £30,000: the figure is not legible] nevertheless will first and last go to Coventry ! I shd think anything cd be done with that.
15Jan1861, Hard Times
—Wild March wind, driving the snow in all directions : quite good-bye the thaw. The poor people at the club and everywhere speak of the hard times : borrowing money for actual food.
08Jan1861, Distress at Coventry
—The distress at Coventry is quite appalling ; a once well-to-do tradesman stole meat from a butcher's, and was found with his family tearing it to pieces like wild beasts.
28Dec1860, Capital Sliding and Skating
—Same weather. Church at 11, after some effort, after ball hours. Capital sliding and skating, when everyone tumbled over except Ld. Jermyn, Willy, Mr. Ryan and me ; Ld. Clarence [FN: Lord Clarence Paget] fell on his head, Mr. Layton on his cheekbone, Agnes on all-fours, Atie. P. and Selina Lascelles on their knees, the children in all directions, and Ld. John Hervey promiscuous. The latter, whom I tried to cultivate, viewing Charles's friendship, is nice and engaging. I wrote to Papa and the Cab Office. Pleasant evening, ending with Lancers.
1860, Book V is Lost
THE fifth volume of the diary, which covered the rest of 1859 and nearly all 1860, was lost almost as soon as it was written. The first entry in Book VI refers to its loss, and the letter to the Cab Office mentioned in the first extract was an enquiry about it. It was never recovered. Its great event must have been the marriage of Meriel, Lucy's eldest and very intimate sister, the " old thing " of the diary, to John Gilbert Talbot, afterwards for many years Member for Oxford University.
Since this was in type, I [John Bailey, editor] have been lent a little volume written in 1862 in place of the lost fifth book of the Diary. Of course it only relates a few doings which stood out enough to be remembered after two years. There is a visit to Althorp, where she says of the new and beautiful Lady Spencer—" Spencer's Fairy Queen," as she used to be called—" I am falling head over ears in love with Charlotte. Mr. Leslie is painting her : but does he hope to do justice to her lovely expression, her dancing ingenuous eyes and indescribable winsomeness, etc ? Sanguine ! " She met Lord Derby, the Prime Minister, at Witley (Lord Dudley's) and describes him as " beyond anything agreeable " ; adding that he " flirts with me in a way that does me honour." At Witley, too, we hear that she walked ten miles to church and back " through mud, up hill, with an immensely heavy poplin gown to hold up." She finds Cliveden " full of dignified and courteous grandees " who fill her with " portentous shyness ": " the old Duke " (of Sutherland) " still very grand looking but as deaf as a post." And there is a Royal Ball at which she danced with Lord Cowper, who is described as " a grand partner."
But of course the chief event mentioned is her sister Meriel's engagement, which took place on an expedition to the Crystal Palace, on May 26th, 1860; and her marriage, which followed on July 19th at Westminster Abbey. There is nothing to quote in her account of it, unless it be this : " I don't think darling old Meriel and I slept very calmly on this our last night together, after all these happy years of sisterhood."
29Jul1859, Home at Hagley
—Thank Heaven, we came safely home to the dear bright snug quietness of green summer Hagley. I think I never so much appreciated the sight of the six flourishing children who stood on the steps, or ever felt so thankful that darling Papa can look at our band unbroken, and not see the sad gaps among little faces that haunt one at poor Hawarden. [FN: Where one of her Glynne cousins had just died at the Rectory.] They are all blooming, except little Edward, who is puny as Albert was, tho' far less ill than he, and tanned, which makes his small phiz look healthier. As for that young plant Alfred, his size and height and figure are splendid ! such a neck, chest, and forehead, with all the good points of Charles, Nevy, and Arthur in his noble little head and face. Fluent though happily still broken conversation, and such fun, memory, and sharpness. 0 bless him, for a gladdening sunbeam ! Bobby enormous, and not very evidently more in¬tellectual. May, I think, a degree less ugly ! Win and Arthur very charming. Much talk with Miss Smith ; and I went in the twilight to see our own Church, and look at Mamma's beautiful E. window, shining thro' darkness, as the thought of her does, in all that happens.
11Jul1859, Big Ben
—Big Ben began striking the hours in a deep melodious tone, with an endless echo.
09Jul1859, Dancing with the Comte de Paris
—We went again to Lord's with Mrs. Talbot and sons : the play was a little improved, and there were some fine leg hits ; but oh ! Charles was out third ball, by a brilliant shooter, lightning swift, middle stump. We immediately drove off, in a raging state of disappointment. Home a little past two, luncheon, dressing, and then we went by the 4 o'clock train to Ly. Marion Alford's beautiful breakfast. [FN: At Ashridge. Lady Marian was the mother of the late Earl Brownlow.] The train was 20 min. late, and the journey horrid with the dust, which grievously dirtied my new gloves. At Tring, where carriages were to be provided by Ly. Marian, we had to wait an hour before they came, then such a scramble for them. We got off at last in a break with Ly. Clarendon and the Villiers, but didn't arrive till 7. Such a beautiful drive, and the place glorious : 800 people were there in the course of the day : heaps that we knew. We sat, walked, and talked, eat some cold dinner and listened to the splendid Grenadier band. At dusk, the band moved under the windows, and some dancing began. Ed. Neville turned up, and carried me off for a quadrille, a capital one, of 50 people, but plenty of room. Then we sat in the beautiful darkness on the terrace, looking at the pretty illuminations in the garden, and finally, who shd I shoot, but the Comte de Paris ! ! Atie. Pussy, flying into activity, plunged after him ; we watched him thro' a quadrille ; and after it, he saw us : profound was my curtsey. He engaged me for the next Lancers, which he'd no sooner done than I missed my pretty chrysoprase bracelet, which took away nearly all my pleasure. Well, I took off my bonnet, to look my best, but then, to my anguish, he passed me two or three times without recognizing me. Also the room emptied, and it looked as if there was to be no more dancing. All that, however, came right, he came up at last rather dubiously, and looking doubtfully at M. all the time, said the Lancers were beginning in another room, hooked me, and off we went ! —oh, bliss ! M. following with Ed. Neville. We got them for vis-à-vis, and were only late for one figure. He talked of the House of Commons, asked if I ever went there, said he often did. I told him how I heard Ld. Lyndhurst, and we danced the 2nd figure. In the third, he began the visiting, when it ought to be the curtsey one, and we'd hardly got that right, when there was a general rush to the window, to see a very flat little firework. So as I remarked to him, " La destinée ne veut pas " that we should ever dance a thing through. For it all broke up, and he hooked me again, and we marched, half over the house, looking in vain for Atie. Pussy, which gave occasion for another beautiful bit of French from me : " Mais, Monseigneur, je crains bien que je ne gene votre Altesse Royale." " Pas du tout " of course was the answer. Then I said, a propos of his asking me, " C'est pour moi un grand honneur," to which he answered something about " pour moi un grand plaisir." At last M. and Edward, who were following us, proposed that I should stay with them, for I was quite hot at keeping him ; " Mais je voudrais vous ramener Mme Gladstone." " Monseigneur, je crains de gener votre Altesse." " Pas du tout. Mais on resterez vous done 2 " " Ma soeur est ici, Monseigneur." " Ah ! c'est bien donc." A beautiful bow, a deep curtsey, and that most exciting and delightful trans¬action was well over. We stayed till about 10 1/2 looking into the beautiful solemn chapel, full of very old sober-coloured and stained glass, so profoundly quiet after the crowds outside, but almost too near the room where they were valsing, so that the music followed one to the threshold. We crammed 13 into a break, with Ly. Schomberg Kerr and Ly. Constance Grosvenor, the others invisible in the dark, and had great fun bumping down the long steep hill, feeling very near upsetting now and then. At the station, to my very great delight, my bracelet turned up again, found by a poor man, to whom I gave 6s. on the spot. We waited in the train an hour before it set off, with the nice Wilbrahams who were with us, then everyone went to sleep, except me, who only succeeded in getting muzzy and uncomfortable, and we arrived at home at 2 on Sunday morning, feeling wicked. Eat some cold mutton at that dead hour, and went to bed, everyone hideously tired except me. Wretched Willy, who was to have gone to Eton from Tring, missed the train and had to go early this morning.
08Jul1859, Have Enjoyed This Ball More Than Any Other
—We went to Lord's to see the humiliating Harrow match : our 11 are at the lowest ebb of bad play, and they remarkably good. Unhappy Charles only got 9. . . .
A very delightful ball at Ly. Mary Wood's, of which the following were the great events. The Comte de Paris was there, and he engaged Susy Clinton for a quadrille, and set off to find a vis-à-vis. He returned saying " Ii n'y en a pas ! " whereupon Atie. P. grabbed Sir C. Wood, and sent him off to find one. In the interregnum, however, I (who wasn't dancing) flew at Willy, and dragged him up to act vis-à-vis ourselves, for which the Comte gave me two beautiful little bows of thanks. This was happiness enough ; but after the quadrille the Comte came up and thanked Atie. P. for getting him a vis-à-vis, thinking it was her doing, and she, with her wonted sagacity, told him what an honour I had felt it, and that I had a great enthusiasm for France. (Rather a lie that ; my enthusiasm is for the old Royalty, not for that fidgety country.) Well, he didn't speak for a moment, as if he was pleased, and then asked if she thought I wd do him the honour of dancing with him. I didn't hear all this transaction, being out on the balcony airing myself. The next thing I saw was the Comte making a gracious bow to M., and she with a most awestruck curtsey accepting him for the next quadrille. The fact was he had taken her for me ! So I was made to take her place, and waited in palpitating excitement. After the valse that was going on, it was the turn for a Lancers, but they had a quadrille instead. The Comte, however, being engaged for that dance, couldn't throw his partner over, tho' it wasn't Lancers, and couldn't have me of course. So after it was over, he came up to explain. I stood up in unutterable bathing feel, and he began in lovely French, and the extreme of grace in his manner, to say that he had expected the dance just over would have been Lancers, would it be too late for me to wait for the next quadrille ? was I sure it wouldn't be ? then " Mais, ne vous dérangez pas," so I sat down, thrilling ; and a good deal more talk about dancing, the quantity of valsing, which he didn't like, the pity they never danced polka mazurka, how nice balls in the country were, etc. Oh ! how delighted I was ! The Fates decreed however that my quadrille should never come off. The next was Lancers, and then the stupid cotillon, so up he had to come again : " Je suis désolé," and what not. I managed to say : " Monseigneur, vous m'avez fait trop d'honneur en me demandant," and then curtseys and bows, and we went away. I cannot describe the nobleness of his look and manner, and the beautiful old French courtesy. And there he is, the descendant of that ancient glorious race, tho' it is a younger branch, still the same blood ; banished from his country, and with that upstart Napoleon on the throne in his eye ! What with awe, respect, compassion, and gratitude, I was nearly out of my mind. Certainly I have enjoyed this ball more than any other.
07Jul1859, The King's Bottle-Holder
—A breakfast, to which came the Comte of Paris ! And I thrilled at him thro' the door of the private, or, as it is called, jimmy staircase, as long as he was there. There also came Duke and Duchess of Argyle, Bp. of Oxford, Mrs. Norton, and the King's " bottle-holder." Meanwhile, while I think of it, Mr. Brewster has got a baby, and A Living ! !
06Jul1859, Wimbledon
—We went to our last breakfast at Wimbledon, Papa coming to see the place where he lived so much in his childhood, before Granny's eldest brother sold it to get rid of the debts on the estate. There are two lots of old pencil measurements in the gallery, one of great-uncle George Spencer in 1804. Papa was so interested and pleased to see them there still. The Duc and Duchesse d'Aumale were there. We had Annie Gladstone with us. In the evening a brilliant party at Ld. Lansdowne's.
04Jul1859, Two Balls
—We had a prim luncheon at Ly. Windsor's, where nice Victoria Clive sang all the tunes that all old cows have died of. For the first time, two balls ; duty first, and pleasure afterwards : Ly. Mary Hoare's, and Mrs. Washington Hibbert's. At the former there were not 5 people I knew ; nevertheless I danced once, with Mr. Dundas. Mrs. Hibbert's was the most lovely thing I have ever seen in its way : a tent in the open air for ante-room, from whence you descended by a flight of steps into the ball-room, at the top of which you could stand and see the dancing like a magic picture. A smother of flowers, and cool atmosphere. I danced with Mr. Turvil and Johnny, and was asked to valse ever so often. . . .
We shopped, and our great-uncle's sister-in-law, the first Ly. Spencer's sister, the second's stepmother, and the third's aunt, and Althorp's stepmother's stepmother, in virtue of her intricate relationship, [FN: This lady of remarkable relationships was, I think, Frances Isabella Dowager Lady Clinton. But the Lady Spencer whose sister she was, was wife of the 4th Earl, not of the 1st] gave us lovely muslin gowns.
(Frances Selina Isabella, née Poyntz, sister to the 4th Earl's first wife, Georgiana; step mother to the 4th Earl's second wife, Aunt Yaddy (second wife of Adelaide's father, Sir Horace Seymour); aunt to the Earl's daughter, Tallee, through her mother Georgiana)
03Jul1859, Slovenly Service
—Had luncheon at G. St. and aft. service at the Abbey, where everything was got through in the most disgraceful slovenly manner.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
29Jun1859, Our First Queen's Ball
—What with the manifold delights of this eventful day, I'm sorry to confess that, till this moment, the fact of its being St. Peter's feast and dear old Albert's birthday has never entered my head. To begin with, we went to luncheon with the Grahams (daughters of Sir James), which was extremely pleasant, as we are getting to like them both very much. And they sang to us till I could have cried with delight. The lovely little one has the most glorious voice, and " The Land of the Leal " and " The Last Rose of Summer," especially the latter, so went to my heart that the vision of them keeps coming back upon me with an indescribable thrill. There ! I hope I'm not high-flown : but great enjoyment ought to do one good, and so far it does indeed make me thank God for giving us such pleasures. " Thou hast anointed my head with oil, and my cup runneth over." It is indeed goodness and mercy following us all the days of our life that gives us these happy hours.
After they had sung till they were tired, nice kind things that they are, and after much conversation, Atie. P. picked us up, and we went again to Wimbledon, which was lovely : the smell of hay all round, and the pleasant fresh day perfect. Oh, how cd I forget : I dined as a face with A. P. and Wortleys at Ly. Waldegrave's, where I saw and was introduced to the " King of France," God bless him ! The crowning-point of these many breaks was our first Queen's ball, Meriel's very first ; I, as before detailed at great length, have been to children's balls at the Palace. What a beautiful sight it is ! the glittering uniforms, the regal rooms, and the Royal presence. We made our curtseys rather ill I'm afraid, such a slippery floor, and difficult to take the Queen's hand from her eminence of two steps. However, we did better than most, for at all events we went low down, and the rest of the world made nothing but nasty little bows and inclinations ; so horridly disrespectful. Pr. of Wales was there just come back from abroad, decidedly grown, tanned, and more manly looking, with all the Royal courtesy and grace of manner. Pr. Alice quite pretty, so very much improved in looks. The brother and sister valsed together with marvellous grace and dignity, considering that neither is tall. They went round only once or twice, slowly, so unlike the fierce fluttering whirls in a tight embrace that one sees elsewhere. It was happiness to see the Queen dancing the quadrilles with her colossal uniformed partners, majesty and grace in every movement of her little form, and the Pr. of Wales standing near her, and giving his hand to her in the Grand Rond with beautiful respect. And all to the sound of such music !
Of course we never dreamt of dancing, nor had we one chance, but this didn't in the least take from my pleasure. The only thing that did was that all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't make Atie Pussy sit down again (what lovely poetry !) after a little bit of rest in one of the outer rooms, till about 1/4 1. The consequence was that M. and she looked at death's door, and even my back began to ache. However, after a peep at the gorgeous supper-room with its sideboard of plate reaching to the ceiling, we did get her into one of the tiers of seats under the orchestra, where we sat in bliss for about 25 minutes, when shooting a splendid place to the right of the throne, we moved there, and lucky it was we did ! Five minutes afterwards, the Queen rose, and stepped down. With one rush everyone stood up, while the old glorious music of " God save the Queen " struck up. The officers of state went before her, but facing her as they cleared the way. As she bowed to right and left all curtseyed low, and so, to the majestic time of the music, she went out in all her state. Oh ! I thought my heart would crack with excitement ! And so it was over. What a happy day ! I was determined to give a full, graphic, and particular account of it, and I think I have done my duty.
28Jun1859, The King of France
—We went to the most beautiful ball conceivable at Ly. Egerton of Tatton's, a horrid woman ; but such a room, such lighting, and such delightful space. I had ever so many chances of dancing, but only did 3 times, what with the valses, galops, and being jilted twice. I saw and was delighted with the Comte de Paris : " King of France." Such courtesy and nobleness : tall and handsome. Home, walking ! ! from St. James' Square at 3 1/4.
26Jun1859, A Boring Sermon
—We went to St. Martin's, where we sweltered in inconceivable bore through a 52-minutes' sermon, for the most part inaudible, and of the remainder not a sentence worth hearing. People began dropping out of the church in considerable numbers, and in some invisible locality most astonishing wheezing, groaning, and cracking went on at intervals, like several large clocks running down. These two causes united provoked almost irresistible giggle, as the reverend person went mildly on, undeterred by either. The singing was brisk and decidedly good, and the Minuet in " Samson " played after service.
I went with Atie. P. etc., to Chapel Royal, where Maria Marchioness of Ailesbury dropped her parasol all the way from the imposing eminence of the Peeresses' Gallery.
24Jun1859, Those Old Times
—M. [her sister Meriel] was taken by Cousin Jane to the C. Palace, where she heard " Israel in Egypt." And I have lost the Handel Festival, and shall never live to hear another, if it's true that it's to be centenary. This is very dismal to think. " Du reste," M. was rather disappointed, from not knowing the music well : what struck her most was " God save the Queen," when the enormous audience all cheered, thinking the Queen was there, which she was not, as it is said, because she does not like Handel ! ! ! As far as we can see, fair hopes at Oxford : the Bp. thereof much cut up at the defection of his very intimate friend, the Warden of All Souls', with others. Oh dear, the quantity one has to write ! In the afternoon I drove with Auntie Pussy : we went over Downing St., but she probably won't move there this year ; it looked very familiar to us. We took Winny to a little child's concern at Ly. De Mauley's, and in the park and streets shot several people we knew : Susy Clinton, Ly. Egerton of Tatton, dear pretty little Miss Graham, of happy Escrick memory, Ld. Bristol's daughters, etc. Also went to see after Cousin Ebbet, and she not being up to seeing us, we stayed in the nursery, making ourselves fools over the darling little blue-eyed infant : the comfortable nurse, the atmosphere of flannel, the cozy fire, and the baby's little crowings, bringing to my mind many memories of Mamma, so pale and lovely, with one of our own sweet babies ; and the happy quietness of those old times.
21Jun1859, Swallow Dizzy
—Now I have a little breathing-time to spare from accounts of our perpetual dissipations, to tell of much more interesting things. U. William has taken office under Ld. Palmerston, and is Ch. of the Exchequer, thereby raising an uproar in the midst of which we are simmering, view* his well-known antipathy to the Premier. What seems clear is that he considers it right to swallow personal feelings for the sake of the country ; besides he agrees at present with Lord P.'s foreign policy, also he joins several Peelites. There is this question, however : why, if he can swallow Palmn., couldn't he swallow Dizzy, and in spite of him go in under Lord Derby ? I don't pretend to be able to answer this, but one can enough understand things to be much excited and interested, above all by the contest he will have to undergo for his Oxford University seat, his opponent being Lord Chandos. It is likely to be a near thing. If he isn't returned, good-bye ! I went alone with A. P. to a little ball at Ly. G. Balfour's : where of the 4 dances that took place while I was present, I danced one, and was asked for three : 2 being valses, [FN: She was not allowed to valse] and the 3rd we were going. Very pleasant.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
20Jun1859, Pretty Enough
—Nearly 1/4 4 and daylight. 8 mortal hours and a half have we been at Mme de Persigny's ball, and sorrow a bit have I danced. Till 2 o'clock no chance of it ; then Ld. Sudley engaged me for a quadrille, which he performed with another lady. His next attempt was futile, as the era for quadrilles was over, and the cotillon preparing. One or two other hopes were dashed for this latter reason, and only came to mock me, for what is a cotillon to me ! M. danced once. It was a brilliant ball, for them as danced, and pleasant enough to look at for a while, there being hardly any but beauties present, on principle, for Count Persigny asked U. W. [FN: Uncle William] if we were pretty enough before inviting us. What that relative's answer was will for ever be unknown. Before this eventless ball, we dined pleasantly with the Spencers ; only I am troubled with a frightful access of deafness with regard to Ly. Spencer's voice, which is indistinct to me, and I answer nonsense to the questions that come from her beautiful mouth, and could beat myself.
19Jun1859, It Felt Wicked
—We dined at Spencer House with Granny. At. C., U. Spencer and wife, Miss Seymour and her brother : a family gathering, view U. Spencer's birthday, but it felt wicked, and was a bore, to dress up and go smartish out to dinner on Sunday.
18Jun1859, An Attenuated Baboon
—Breathless, thundery sort of day. A profoundly quiet morning. We went to a little breakfast at Ld. J. Manners', with children. This may be briefly described as Dull. His little boy [FN: The present Duke of Rutland] of 7 is a fine, spirited fellow, exceedingly tall, and in a violent state of excitement. The D. of Rutland was there, looking most depressed. It is said he has never got over not being allowed to marry his first cousin, now Lady Newport. Lord B . . . was present, strikingly like an attenuated baboon. M. dined with Granny and Co., I with Papa at Ld. Camden's, where, having expected surpassing dulness, I was agreeably surprised, being between E. Neville and extremely agreeable Ld. Overstone. Moreover, I was determined to extract some conversation from the proverbially silent Ladies Pratt, and succeeded, tho' far from the point of discovering any brilliance of conversation. Still they brightened up, and said more than yes and no. Home by 11, for Sunday.
16Jun1859, Worth Coming to London
—Then Mrs. Talbot took us to George St., where we dined, and came back for that momentous event, our first concert, which was what glorious music always is, the greater delight because it began unpropitiously ; but each thing overtopped the other, till we reached a climax, with Ly. Agneta Yorke and Ly. Hardwicke, who sung together with a power and pathos beyond description, their whole soul in their angelic voices ! And there was Miss Connor with her glorious ringing, clear, and flexible voice. Moreover, I was introduced to young Ly. Spencer, radiant in her winning loveliness : talked to the nice Yorkes, to Althorp, and many other folk. Tallee was there, with At. Yaddy. It would be worth coming to London if only for this sort of thing.
15Jun1859, A Torrent of People
—Very lovely day. A torrent of people came to luncheon : Sir J. Lacaita, Mrs. and E. Talbot, C. Jane Wortley, Annie and Mary Gladstone, the latter of whom is strikingly handsome. Afterwards I went with Atie Pussy, Aggy, and the children to a breakfast ( ! ! ! ? ?) at that beautiful place, Wimbledon, where there was little to do, and less to say, but we amused ourselves looking at people, and guzzling as it seemed all the afternoon. Poor Lord Seymour looked very dismal, Ly. Blanche Lascelles, whom his parents wouldn't let him marry, being engaged to Ld. Boyle. We daundered over Ly. Hermione Graham's lovely little children : Margaret-Frances, Violet-Hermione, Helen, Sybil, Hilda-Georgina, and Richard-James. We picked up all these flowery names from the little creatures themselves. The eldest isn't six yet, the babies being twins. Atie P. had many political talks with different great guns. I was a good deal with Tallee and the Miss Seymours, to whom I was introduced. We played at At. Sally with the Speaker (Mr. Dennison) and Lord Stratford de Redcliffe. I have a conviction I took Mr. G. Dundas for Mr. Rolle. Cousin Jane gave us beautiful parasols and sashes, and dear Mrs. Talbot such muslin gowns.
13Jun1859, A Concert
—Ugh ! how nasty London looks ! Directly we were home, at 1/4 2 about, we had to turn our minds to a concert at Ld. Ward's, to which we were to go at 3 1/2 having " nothing to wear." However Atie Pussy had bought us bonnets from Brighton, where she has been since Saturday, and by astonishing luck they fitted ; so after altering the green in them, as our gowns were blue, and digging out white scarfs, we went.
12Jun1859, Second Communion
—My 2nd Communion in this church — how different from the first ! And yet — as I trust I could realize a little — alike in the highest ways — the Communion of Saints, through all chances and changes — in all time of our tribulation, in all time of our wealth : the same unalterable reality. I knelt in the same place, and the last time so filled my memory, that it was almost impossible to feel what a change had come over everything. And oh dear ! the sight of Mr. Hunt, the smell of the church, the sound of the singing : nothing is altered, except our own selves. Mr. Hunt's sermons were just what they used to be : the texts, " Have I any strength, that I shd hope ? " and " Quench not the spirit," are enough, I hope, to keep the sermons in my head.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
11Jun1859, Presented at Court
—A very memorable day, with a strange, abrupt contrast between the morning and evening. We were presented at 2 o'clock ; and after all the frightful bathing-feel and awestruck anticipation, behold ! it was a moment of great happiness to me. The look of interest and kindliness in the dear little Queen's face, her bend forward, and the way she gave her hand to me to be kissed, filled me with pleasure that I can't describe, and that I wasn't prepared for. She said to Auntie Pussy : " You have brought yr nieces to me," with great feeling : oh, so touching of her ! for no doubt she was thinking of our having no Mamma to bring us. And to Aunt Coque: "I am so glad to see them: tell your Mother how nice they looked." I feel as if I could do anything for her !
10Jun1859, Rehearsal of Handel Festival
—We went with Papa and the Talbots to the British Institution, where were beautiful Gainsboroughs, etc. We wrote and directed more than 200 cards for a concert. And in the evening I had a great delight, in the rehearsal by 1,600 voices of part of the Handel Festival, at Exeter Hall. I could apply to it nothing but the words of Revelation : " The voice of many waters, and the voice of mighty thunderings," the basses especially ; the absence of all instruments except organ, and now and then drums, only showing how infinitely above them is a great unity of human voice. Oh, if I could but give an idea of it ! One of the things was the Dettingen Te Deum, and it was almost appalling to hear : " We believe that Thou shalt come to be our Judge," shouted with that tremendous harmony by so many : of each of whom it is true. " We praise Thee, 0 God ! " and this was praise fit for the Lord of Sabaoth ! " All the earth doth worship Thee " —and indeed one cd fancy the whole world joining in that triumphant worship. And the end, so grand in its trust : " Let me never be confounded." It might be Heaven —only it is over, and that is for ever and ever.
09Jun1859, Interesting Man-Talk
—Bishop of Brechin, Sir J. Lacaita, Messrs. Parker, Russell, and Monckton Milnes, Sir J. Coleridge, Ld. Alfred Hervey, and Miss Williams Wynne came to breakfast, and I heard much interesting man-talk.
07Jun1859, The Opening of Parliament
—It's of little use my writing small : I must take up space when there's so much to talk about. In the morning, what did I do but go to the Opening of Parliament ! ! ! The beauty of the tiers of bright colours and sparkling ornaments first struck me, as we went in, and Papa, delighted to get rid of me, hoisted me into a capital place next Ly. Gertrude Talbot, where we waited for about 3 qrs of an hour, amusing ourselves greatly with finding out the few beauties among the fat and wizzy peeresses opposite. Those we did see were Ly. Lothian, Ly. Raglan, Ly. Mary Craven, and the Duchess of Manchester. The peers kept dropping in in their red robes, looking for the most part rather quizzical, but the rich colour nice to see in dingy England. Papa looked vey comical.
I saw Ld. Spencer and Ld. Lothian, who has got a sort of creeping palsy ; so very sad, and his poor pretty young wife ! At last from the midst of gentlemen-in-waiting and other attendants, I became aware of the little Queen standing on the step of the throne, a diamond coronet on her head, in her robes of state, the crown held on one side of her, and the mighty sword of justice on the other ; while all stood up, and there was deep silence. It was a stately sight. The Queen sat down, everyone also sat down. What next ?, I thought, as several minutes passed in the same grave silence, and the Queen looked at us, and we looked at the Queen. I soon found out what was being waited for. There was a scurry and rush outside the doors, which were dashed open, and in poured the Commons, jostling and talking like nothing on earth but a pack of schoolboys or herd of bullocks. It was a curious contrast to the red-robed peers, sitting in solemn order, and the Queen in all her majesty. When as many as cd squeeze in had jammed themselves against the rails, and after some hushing had begun to hold their tongues, the Queen, slightly raising her voice, said, " My Lords, be seated." (This, however, they were already.) Then she read her speech, with a low, clear, and most harmonious utterance, and so distinct that I heard perfectly. There was nothing interesting in it : " in spite of her earnest endeavours, the peace of Europe had been broken, we were to keep neutral, and at the same time the fleet was to be done something to, etc., etc." —things that are talked of every day. Then she gave her paper to a maukin near her, we all stood up again, and she went away : there were no cheers in the House, but plenty outside I hear, and I have actually seen Parliament opened ! There was a little musical practice in the morning. Meriel and I dined with Ats. C. & K. at the Percys', immediately on returning from which at 11 1/4 we found a note directing us to go to House of Commons, which we did to my great delight, and heard the greater part of an interesting speech of Ld. Palmerston's against Govt. The debate was adjourned, so we were home by 1/4 1. An eventful day.
06Jun1859, A Pleasant Home Ball
—A little past two, after the pleasantest home ball, that's to say dance, for it was carefully distinguished from a ball by its smallness, absence of champagne, and substitution of modest p.f. and harp for band. Moreover, it came after a child's ball, where the little things toddled about so prettily, and which was honoured with the presence of the young Prince de Conde, a gentle, grave, and most courteous boy of fourteen, with whom I danced twice, " Altesse Royale " and all. His mother, the Duchesse d'Aumale, was there too, and was introduced to us. I danced everything but one, valses of course excepted, but I can only remember 5 partners. I think I must have danced more than that. R. Yorke, Mr. Majendie (of happy Oxford memory), Mr. Burgess, Mr. Le Fevre, and Lord Sudeley ; they were all more or less pleasant ; Ld. S. knew Charles at Eton. All day we were up to the neck in the work of titivating the rooms, which indeed looked lovely. Warm and thundery. There has been a battle of Magenta, the Austrians completely defeated, and Paris illuminated.
05Jun1859, A Thundery, Languid Day
—My energy is certainly great. I walked to Trin. Ch. Vauxhall in the morning with Papa, on the top of yesterday's perpetual tramp, and the night before's dissipation. Ain't a bit tired. A thundery, languid day. In the evening to a special service at the Abbey, where the singing was beautiful from the fine voices, but slow and unambitious and the trebles drowned. Striking but not altogether perfect sermon by Mr. Milman. We dined with Granny, and met the dear Rectors. The Abbey is gloriously cool and lofty ; there is nothing like it : crowded.
04Jun1859, A Day at Eton
—Our first 4th of June at Eton ; we must have brought ill luck, for it poured heavily, after great morning heat, and a grumble or two of thunder, from 7 to 9, just the time when the boats were afloat. We saw them start, with their bright uniforms, very successfully, but shortly after had to take shelter in a little room, where we resignedly sat, with Mr. Wynne and his sisters, Reg. Yorke and Mr. Cocks, relation of the Antony one. We talked pleasantly, and the time didn't hang heavy. But the unhappy boats' crews had to walk home from Surley. There is horrid drunkenness in the boats now, the Captain (Wynne) says his greatest difficulty is to keep them sober. I'm so glad our boys are dry-bobs, in spite of the delightful look of the arrowy boats and brilliant dresses, only I trust cricket will look up under Charles's captaincy, and not be everlastingly beaten by Harrow. We had luncheon with the Provost, and I was taken in by Mr. Walpole (Ed: No doubt Spencer Walpole, afterwards Home Secretary.), —such an honour! —who was most agreeable.
03Jun1859, Lady Derby's Ball
—1/4 4 a.m. ! and this is written, ill or well, by the light of dawn : mad and dissipated I feel. We have been to Ly. Derby's ball, which, truth to tell, was very dull : hot crowds of chaperons and old gentlemen, and the dancing a fierce struggle with all-surrounding petticoat, and I only danced once, at about 2, with Johnny, who turned up when I had quite given up. This was pleasant, for the room was thinned, and we had the space of a hearthrug. Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were there, and Princess Mary (ed: Afterwards Duchess of Teck and mother of Queen Mary), who, in spite of her imposing size, danced and valsed beautifully.
31May1859, Christy's Minstrels
—We went with Papa, Aunt Kitty, and Johnny to a very low diversion, Christy's Minstrels, full of excessively broad vulgar fun, with one or two pretty things.
30May1859, The Exhibition
—In the morning we went to the Exhibition, where there are not many beautiful pictures, and a host of glaring absurd Pre-Raphaelites, with every face bright pink, and every sky of lilac, tin leaves and grass like coarse stuffs, and a lunatic attempt to render every atom as it is, instead of as it looks. The result is like the sign of an inn ; a laboured and vulgar finish, with a dazzle of ill-assorted colours. Pah ! the refreshment of turning to Stanfield's fresh and living landscapes with soft blending light, and wet water.
29May1859, A Gabbled Litany
—Papa and I walked after luncheon, in spite of rain, to St. M. Mag., Munster Sqre., where we had nothing but the Litany for the second time, gabbled so bewilderingly that, without my book, it might have been the Alphabet for aught I heard. Disgracefully irreverent and distressing. And I hate missing Evening Service. Dined quietly at Granny's. Tho' our services weren't perfect, the Psalms and everything that no hitch can alter were so beautiful and helping to remember in London whirl. I hope I shall keep such things in mind.
28May1859, Opera at Covent Garden
—About 1. We've been to the Opera ! Gazza Ladra at Covent Garden, Lord Ward's box. There being no ballet, Papa let us go. I believe I was slightly disappointed, but it was because I don't know the music well enough, and I must always know it well to be properly worthy.
26May1859, The Old Race of French Kings
—'Tis 1 a.m. after a most delightful party here, of which I must at once tell the great event. I was introduced to the Duc d'Aumale, the descendant of the old race of French kings. Low was my curtsey, most gracious was his bow, and oh ! he spoke to me, and I said, " Oui, monsieur ! " I thrilled. We also saw the nice Escrick Grahams, Warrens, Wilbrahams, and all the usual people, and I was introduced to Lord Clarendon, Lady Manchester, crazy Lord Crewe, Ly. Constance Grosvenor, Duchess of Sutherland, etc., etc. There were there besides Lord Palmerston, Dean Trench, who is going to send us tickets for Handel at the Abbey next month — Bliss ! - many ambassadors and Indians, Ld. J. Manners, etc., etc.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
25May1859, Henry V and London News
—Midnight : going to bed after " Henry V " at the Princess's. It's strange the strong charm a play acted has for me, viewing that I dislike more or less all the acting, which seems to me invariably " outré," unnatural and vulgar. But oh, dear ! the scenery and some feeling which makes it almost seem real, and brings the olden time before one. Before this, we went to a very pretty amateur concert at Ly. Barrington's and toodled about Covent Garden etc., with Atie P. Black Miss Brown and a maukin called in the morning. There has been a battle at Montebello, the Austrians beaten, it is said with great loss. The Duchess of Kent is ill. Princess Royal is visiting the Queen. 6th of the 10 babies born : Mrs. Bradley's. My poor old Preece is dead ; I shall never read to him again ! But please God, I shall see him again ; and he me, with opened eyes there, in the Light that sorrow can never dim.
24May1859, Another Ball
—A little past 3 a.m. ! Our first ball is over. We danced much more than I expected : M. 6 times and me 4: twice with Reginald Yorke, Ld. Skelmersdale, and Mr. Something Stone. It was fearfully crowded. I saw Wilbrahams and Warburtons, Mary War., just come out, and very pretty, Ld. Mahon, J. Gladstones, A. Woods, Mr. Rolle, Ldy. Constance Grosvenor, etc. Shall I ever remember them all !
23May1859, Party at the Admiralty
—It's 1.15 on Tuesday morning, for we are just come in from our First Party a the Admiralty, where little Sir John Pakington looked Hagley-ey, and where we saw the great Sir John Lawrence, who saved the N.W. Provinces of India, Capn, Mrs. and Miss Gladstone, Lady Raglan, so thin and changed, the Saxon minister, Ld. Carnarvon, Lord John Manners, Dean Trench, Miss Leigh, Mr. and Mrs. Adderley, Drummonds, and what not. I believe it was a dull party, but we were much amused, and struck with the almost invariable ugliness.
18May1859, Journey to London
—After a most smutty journey, for we travelled in the open britschka, we arrived prosperously in London, Papa the complexion of a stoker, having faced wind, rain, and dirt on the box. Found Atie P. very well. Papa and M. dined with At. Wenlock, I was begged off, being the colour of a blotchy turkey-cock from having to wash my face with cold water.
14May1859, Led Into Evil
—One of the village girls has been led into evil : such a rare thing in this parish, that it is extra horrible.
13May1859, Irrevocableness of Sin
—Granny finished " Adam Bede " to us. It is a heart-rending book, with its stern true moral of the irrevocableness of sin.
11May1859, Unitarians and Dissenters
—" Adam Bede " is full of dreadful interest. C. Jem Wortley (Cousin James Stuart-Wortley) has been beaten for the W. Riding by 2,000: not a large majority. The Leeds people are wild with fervour at Dr. Hook ; Unitarians and Dissenters speak enthusiastically of him. The school eat up yesterday's remains. There is a new cart foal.
08May1859, Park Too Beautiful
—Most lovely clear and bright, many of the trees, sycamores and chestnuts, with quite a depth of foliage, the others the tenderest green : yet a " soupcon " of N. in the wind : the park too beautiful. We went, 8 strong, excluding that most pintoed M., up Sparry's and Obelisks Hill.
07May1859, First Drinking Fountain in London
—The first new drinking-fountain in London been inaugurated.
30Apr1859, Bright Beats Acland
—Bright has beaten Mr. Acland at Birmingham by 3,000, and has made a magnificent speech, the wretch.
29Apr1859, Adam Bede Bowdlered
—Granny began yesterday to spout to us the new novel about which the world raves, " Adam Bede," to be duly bowdlered for our young minds. (Only 1 chapter was missed out.) So nice.
16Apr1859, Grinding Despotism for France
—I finished Bourrienne's " Napoleon " : very interesting and apparently trust worthy. It is curious how he declares a free government to be indispensable to France, and yet it has never succeeded under one ! On the contrary, this grinding despotism seems the only thing for it. Oh, one has a sort of feeling as one thinks of that, and hears of the decrease of the population, that the everlasting stain of Louis XVI revolution, and the slow murder of his saintly little son, has robbed the nation of all vigour and healthy prosperity.
07Apr1859, Over Clent Hill
—I rode till 6 with Arthur, over Clent Hill, by Hunnington and Halesowen-Birmingham road and Wassell road home. Delightful ! The child asking all manner of questions about macadamized roads, poor-law guardians, fire insurances, etc.
06Apr1859, Summer, Spring, Winter
—It is hot and fragrant ; summer in the sun and air and scents, early spring in the leafless beeches, oaks, and elms, winter in the here and there nipped young leaves, consequence of this day week's frost and snow.
04Apr1859, In Full Leaf
—I hope we appreciate this beautiful early summer : larches, sycamores, in full leaf, everything all life and warmth and loveliness.
02Apr1859, Exit Snow, Exit Frost
—Oh, bliss ! the dear soft glorious air again : exit snow, exit frost, exit the last remains of chilliness, but pouring rain all day. I adventurously took pudding and barley-water to the Pratt child ; which is recovering from croup, as none but a poor child would at 6 ½ : warm, green, and delicious.
29Mar1859, Ld. Derby Will Go Out
—Every expectation that Ld. Derby will go out, and Radicals come in for good ! ! ! Thunder ! ! ! Uncle Billy lectured on Bodies again.
17Mar1859, Trapes thro' the Mud
—Ceaseless rain till sunset, when soft glowing light broke over everything : too beautiful, contrasting with the heavy clouds. I took advantage of the evening beauty for a 6 o'clock trapes thro' the mud into the villages : hedges quite green in parts. Congregation 10.
04Mar1859, Drive to Obelisk Hill
—Most deliciously soft, with dark blue distance, and gleaming sun : coming out of church was like emerging from a well into full summer. A very pleasant day : we went an uproarious and boggy driving-and-riding expedition up the obelisk hill, whence the view was. Thence set off for St. Kenelm, but a much tormented spring of U. B.'s (Uncle Billy's) carriage broke, and we all turned out. Great and high was the facetiousness of the party, in course of which, by an awful absent thoughtlessness, what should I do but call Mr. Pepys Herbert ! The evening is memorable for the surpassing beauty of the singing, which came off in the hall, and for an exciting game of Commerce and Fright. The Miss Yorkes have won our hearts ; especially I like Bertha, who is decidedly pretty.
01Mar1859, Little Tiddly Lambs
—Delightful day, exactly the spring of books, which I used to quiz as never existing. Hedges breaking out here and there into precious little ducky tender green baby leaves : three little tiddly lambs, with only one mother, three calves, rose leaves appearing, primroses, and a scrap of (forced) mignionette.
25Feb1859, Parish Matters
—Aunt Emmy came, and we talked parish matters, which are unusually exciting with illness : 6 people prayed for ; 4 expecting babies, 3 of whom are anxious cases ; my old Priest ; little Wright children with disgraced father, mad mother, and no money ; little Shilcocks ill with the dregs of scarlet fever ; and to wind up, a bewildering bother about Annie Farmer—who we trusted was off our hands. I drove the children exploring.
22Feb1859, Mr. Calthorpe wins
—As a counterpoise to this excellent news, Mr. Calthorpe came in by a majority of 320 odd.
23Feb1859, Soft Weather
—I rode in the brilliant and exhilarating soft weather, through the sprouting wheat and up lovely hill and dale, with Mr. and Amelia Claughton, and Arthur who fell flump on his back once. Most pleasant. Oh, the view from High Down !
03Feb1859, Hounds at the Hunt
—Some frostiness. The hounds met in front of the house, and they had a run over the place, which later fun, alas ! we missed. I have been in at the death ; it would have been but reasonable to have seen full cry.
28Jan1859, Princess Royal Has a Son
—The Princess Royal had a son yesterday at 3 a.m., being of the mature age of 18, bless her ! The little Queen a grandmother, Princess Beatrice an aunt ! ! The Duchess of Kent a great-grandmother ! ! ! Princess Alice wrote the news to Granny : " My dear dear Laddle "—such a happy, natural letter.
27Jan1859, There's to be an Election
—East Worcestershire has lost its member, and there's to be an election : Calthorpe, Liberal, against Pakington, Derbyite : goodness knows which is best !
26Jan1859, We Shall Not Be Able To Come Out
—Corfu news : horrible fear that his Xcellency (Gladstone) will stay indefinitely, in which case he will miss all or a great part of the session, and oh ! result to shake all plans and politics ! we Shall Not Be Able To Come Out ! !
14Jan1859, Bishop of London
—I have just read the Bp. of London's charge, which is everywhere reckoned admirable : temperate, wise, careful, showing active knowledge, research, and appreciation of what there is to do, with a humble un-self-asserting tone. May he only act up to it ! The India troubles seem settling down. Our Princess Royal's confinement is daily expected. There is talk of a war between France and Austria.
11Jan1859, Papa Lectures on New Zealand
—Papa lectured in the evening on New Zealand — as none but he can ; clear, true, full of bits of his peculiar irresistible fun, and sustaining one's interest perfectly. He left one with such a happy, satisfactory idea of it all, and with proud thrills over its English-born goodness and prosperity. The end was a dear, beautiful allusion to the cloud " abiding "—yet not without light—over his life, and which he likes to speak of—as to those who can know and feel—to his neighbours and people at home. And surely it has gone into all hearts.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
30Dec1858, The Ball at Stourbridge
—The great event of our first ball came off at Stourbridge, and we much enjoyed it ; chaperoned by Papa and Aunt Coque. The thought would come of how Mamma would have liked taking us ; and it must have made it sad to Papa. But I think he enjoyed seeing us dancing, and greatly we liked it. We were not in bed till past 3, nor up next morning till 11 1/2 ! It felt so dissipated.
15Dec1858, Hunting
—Papa and Charles hunted, and came home looking mildewed with fog, having found nothing.
04Dec1858, Silence Was Appalling
—Soft and pleasant. We made much of the boys : blew soap-bubbles with them (one of mine, by the bye, floated from the perron to the witch elm, where we lost sight of it), played draughts, whist, and backgammon in the evening. I marched in solitary state at 8 to church, which Cooper and I divided between us. Uncle B. reconnoitred from behind the curtain : looked at me in the foreground, dim emptiness behind me, and retreated. After a pause of agitating suspense, Papa and Mr. Boyle came. In due time both clergy walked into the reading-desks, where they stood for full 3 minutes. The silence was appalling. It might have seemed sublime ; but somehow 'twas only ridiculous. After those ominous minutes, Rector and Curate stalked back to the vestry, and Papa and I and Cooper returned to our respective homes.
01Dec1858, A Problem Visit
—Two young ladies Bridgeman have been frightfully burnt, through some carelessness. One, Lady Charlotte, died on Saturday. They are daughter-in-law's sisters to Lady Windsor, and very intimate. Hence we concluded that our invitation to Hewell would have been blown up. That not being the case, however, we drove here in the evening, doubting and wondering, 1st whether a letter had been written and miscarried, 2ndly whether we had been altogether forgotten, 3rdly whether we should find the whole party gone to the funeral, or going tomorrow, 4thly whether we were unaccountably reckoned such old shoes that they didn't mind our sitting, dullissimus, benumbing, with them, 5thly if they had taken it for granted we should not come. In all which surmises we were mistaken. We found the Lady Baroness and two daughters in quiet but placid spirits, and happy coloured gowns, quite ready to entertain us, which, with the help of the Revd. Mr. Dickens of Tardybigg, they successfully did till 11 1/4 at night when we went to bed.
10Nov1858, The Ionian Isles
—I wrote to Agnes, who is going with her parents to the Ionian Isles, he [FN: Mr. Gladstone was sent on a mission to the Ionian Islands in 1858.] as Lord High Commissioner on some knotty point. Very delightful, but they will miss Willy's first Oxford vacation, and be away for Xmas, which is a pity.
04Nov1858, Old Saxon Architecture
—Dim, grey day, cold and autumnal, with no distance. We drove with Papa and Mr. Robartes in a post-chay and two, a 40 miles drive to Tintagel and back. The drive was bleak and desolate, over dreary moor, with stunted trees, few and ruinous cottages, and not a human creature for miles ; nearly went melancholy mad. At length we came within sight of the church, standing nakedly up on a hill against the sky, and then by a most unprepossessing approach to a pretty little parsonage smothered in creepers. Here the brisk little Vicar received us with a rapid flow of words and welcomes, and carried us off to the church. I never saw such an interesting one : much of old Saxon architecture, so supposed, Norman, E. English, and a bit of Decorated and Perpendicular : a side-chapel with a stone altar 1,000 years old, with crosses cut upon it, ancient carved wood, and little single lancet windows, with deep splayed sides. We returned to a sumptuous and highly peppered luncheon, and then---- Now for the beauty that forms a fit crowning-point to all that we have seen in this beautiful county.
We went down a rocky valley with a stream running along it into the sea. Then we turned to the left and saw before us a steep path up one of the cliffs, which stood up grandly round the bay, all craggy and broken. The sea was deep emerald-green, far below us. We climbed higher and higher, among the scanty ruins of the Castle, old beyond all date, and said to have been King Arthur's. No use trying to do justice to the greatness and dignity of these perpendicular cliffs, and the sea four hundred feet below, warm with that wonderful colouring in spite of the grey November sunlessness, which, alas ! prevented us from seeing the glorious expanse of horizon.
We saw a peak standing apart, like a needle ; rough and craggy ; and on the flat top is a cross carved, still easy to be seen, and having a look of solemnity, as if the wild rocks and sea would speak of One greater than they. As indeed they do !
24Oct1858, Aboard the Royal Albert
—A very pleasant last day. We went for morning service on board C. Rice's ship, the Royal Albert, which we went all over. The service was most striking : the middle deck covered with sailors : 1,000 of them, all very quiet and attentive, the sermon excellent. All the passages in the Liturgy about the sea coming in with such meaning, and the beautiful Navy prayer. I was positively awestruck at the enormous size, depth, and complication of the ship ; with the mighty mysterious machinery, the swarms of sailors, the beautiful incomprehensible rigging, etc., etc. It has the heaviest broadside of any ship in commission. And all as clean as a pink. C. Rice, with other officers, pioneered us about, and we did it as thoroughly as possible in so short a time. We had luncheon on board, and then home, and to afternoon church at the School. A very nice evening of talk, music, and singing.
22Oct1858, Fun in the Carriage
—We had great fun in the carriage parodying Scott, and singing all the old songs we could rake up.
21Oct1858, The Two Captains Rice
—We both greatly like the two Captains Rice, who seem sensible and good and are very amusing. We had an exciting morning of battledore and shuttlecock.
20Oct1858, Most Delightful Day
—The most delightful day of all. We went in a boat across the Sound to the Breakwater, towed by a gunboat most of the way, and going 7 or 8 miles an hour. We went along the breakwater to the lighthouse, in spite of the sea breaking slightly over it. We climbed up the lighthouse, and going back had a sort of race with the waves, which as the tide was rising deluged the breakwater every moment. M. with her accustomed sang-froid, wouldn't go above a foot's pace, and got drenched up to the knees ; all of us were wet ; it was great fun. Then another delightful row, with the sails up, and all over the dockyard, where I first learnt to appreciate the enormous size of the ships, by their masts and yards. Also saw a penny reduced to pure copper ore by the blow-pipe, and soldering by the same. A delightful row, and pleasant walk home with the elder C. Rice.
18Oct1858, Mount Edgcumbe
—We went to Church, view St. Luke, and drove with the Carews and young Captain Rice to the top of and all round Mount Edgcumbe. The steep descent below us was one mass of evergreen, tier above tier, and at its foot spread the open sea, lit up with one of the transient gleams of sunlight, which just caught the white crests of the waves ; while to the left lay five stately ships of the line. This broke suddenly upon us, and the beauty was such that I had a wild impulse to fling myself down into its arms as it were.
12Oct1858, New Cards for Whist
—I invested four shillings of my gambling money in a new pack of green-backed cards, with a gold ivy pattern on them, wherewith we played at whist in the evening. I trust they are not intensely vulgar !
11Oct1858, We Came Home
—We came home, after a most delightful visit, full of much pleasure, and giving me a very happy launch into the world. I have enjoyed it greatly and kept quite clear of all scrapes. In fact, C. Ebbett has paid us both compliments as to our manner, etc. This is very nice to hear : it is what would have pleased Mamma.
09Oct1858, Amazing Fun
—We have all sat up to this unconscionable hour at Lord Boyle's earnest request to Cousin Ebbett, put in irresistible Irish, under the promise of something amusing at the end of the evening. So we had playing, the Miss Grahams' glorious singing, three comic songs, a round game, from whence I was 10s. richer, and finally a jig by Lord Boyle, in a coat with one tail, tucked-up trousers, and all etcs., to make him a perfect tipsy Irish post-boy. He kept us dying with his brogue for some time : amazing fun, but perfectly gentlemanlike all the time, and looking too absurd. I rode with Bingy, Papa and Edward. We saw some of the shooting. Bingy paid me a most elegant compliment. He asked me if I liked his mother. I said : " Do you think anyone can know her without liking her ? " Says he : " No ; and can anyone know you without liking you ? " He is a pleasant, bright boy, and the pink of courtesy. Papa has sold the Rubens for £500.
07Oct1858, A Pleasant Day
—Pleasant windy day, warmer ; damp, but no rain. I rode with the three children to Morby, where we saw Mrs. Preston. I was on a nice fast pony, and greatly liked it. For the evening came Mr. and Mrs. Duncombe and her two sisters, who made most beautiful music, singing Italian together in such harmonious unison, with soft full voices. There were also two comic songs, and to wind up, the most capital jig, performed by Lord Boyle and Cousin Bick. Oh, the fun of the former !
04Oct1858, A Drive and a Comet
—We had a 60 miles drive ; to Riveaulx Abbey, four-in-hand, changing horses twice, in the drag. So very delightful : Cousin Ebbett [FN: Lady Wenlock] and I on the outside : the aged Meriel within. There came also Papa and C. Dicker, who drove turn about ; Lord Boyle and Edward Neville. I never saw finer country or such perfect and beautiful Early English ruins. We set off at 9 and were home at 8, I remained outside the whole time. Pouring rain nearly all the morning ; but a beautiful afternoon and night. I saw the heavy bank of clouds that had overhung the sky all day roll off into nothing at nightfall before the stars as they shone out one by one, and the marvellous comet with its sweep of pale light, curving high upwards, like a great white plume, all one line of beauty.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
02Oct1858, Mrs. Preston
—I haven't spoken of the people that are here : three daughters of Sir Guy Campbell, one married, Mrs. Preston, the most fascinating beauty I have ever seen : shady deep eyes, all expression and grace ; and such a lovely classical mouth ; figure and manners most winning and refined. All this in spite of a strange impediment in her speech, which makes it a sort of nasal prolonged drawl, but which one does not care for in the fascination of everything about her.
01Oct1858, Lord Boyle
—Lord Boyle turned up in the evening, and we sat up till nearly 12 with a round game, whereat I won four shillings.
30Sep1858, A Pleasant Dinner
—A pleasant dinner and evening, with a round game, in which for the first time in my life I played for money.
28Sep1858, The Baby
—Baby a bad stye : he kisses his hand to wish good-bye, says please, makes little bows and curtseys, understands all you say to him, pretends to read, takes everyone and everything for horses, clicking to them like a jockey, and talks much in his own way with many intelligible words. But it is impossible to describe the " winsomeness " of him. Newmany has taught him to know and kiss Mamma's picture in the dressing-room and study, and to call her name when he goes there, in a little sighing plaintive voice, oh, so darling and so deeply mournful. He will never know anything but the shadow : poor precious !
27Sep1858, Quarrel About Confession
—The papers are all wrangling over the new quarrel about confession : how odd people are ! What can be easier than the gentle and wise directions of the Prayer Book to ask advice and guidance when in difficulty, or oppressed with some sin, of the clergyman who has authority to declare forgiveness in the Name of Christ ? And why shd these directions lead clergymen to force their parishioners to unwilling confession ? Or why shd they be made stumbling-blocks and be reckoned popish, as long as St. James' words stand : " Confess your sins one to another " ? Marvellous extremes people fly to ! on whichever side, missing the truth, which is Scriptural, temperate, and wise. In difficulty, with something on your conscience, go to a clergyman ; without a difficulty, without anything on your conscience, do not go. Who wouldn't say Amen to that ?
25Sep1858, Back to Hagley
—Three cheers, we came home, having been much pleased and amused with our visit. I am amused at everything, dulness and all, and in part it has been very pleasant. Oh, the refreshment of coming into the glowing evening beauty of Hagley, and its dips and rises, even after three days of country as flat as a pancake, and as dull as ditch-water !
24Sep1858, Orphan Home in Glostershire
—They gave us an interesting report of a wonderful Orphan Home in Glostershire (managed by Mr. Muller, a Plymouth Brother), which is flourishing and increasing, though he has no certain money whatever. His strange one-sided religion is sad and unfortunate, for one can hardly tell what lasting and sterling good he may do ; and with such noble singleness of mind and faith, how one longs he should teach all that's right. Then it seems there would be no end to the good he would do. He has nearly 1,000 orphans. If they did but all turn out high-principled, right-minded Christians and Churchpeople ! This they can hardly do, as Plymouth Brethren, poor things, are not allowed to say their prayers till they are converted : what a horrible idea, that one has been a heathen for exactly fourteen years, 11 months, and 864 days, and that then on the 31st of December 185- one becomes a Christian for life ; for this it seems they think happens regularly. And the calm, complacent way in which he talks of the converted and unconverted, those who are Christians and those who are not, settling them up in respective little packets as it were. Who are we to judge our brothers ?